The Fabula Rasa

Forget the nighttime tales of your youth. This... is Origin

Recently I dreamed I was in a forest. There was an open space in the forest, flat brown dirt. The space was in the shape of an oval with a "road" leading in. At the point where the road met the space, light filtered from the trees in a halo.

I was a knight on a white horse holding a spear and a shield. My face armor was pointy in the middle, like those seen in Beauty and the Beast.

I knew I had to survive for as long as I can and they will come in "rounds." Each round getting bigger and bigger.

First two goblins arrived holding full length shields. They had a head armor with the face shield up, a red feather on top that glistened gold in the light.

The goblins were ugly. No smooth skin, just bumpy dark gray skin with a hooked beak nose and ears that stuck out like elves. Their hands were clawed. Each standing straight and walking in unison.

I ran to them and struck them down with my spear than pulled back. I looked an the dead goblin's bodies were gone, in its place, six goblins arrived dressed the same way. Two rows, three goblins each. I got pushed back to the middle of the clearing. After trying them down, I ran towards the entrance again.

This time their were three marching goblins but two goblins on horses galloping towards me with their spears pointed. The spears on the right arm and smaller shield on the left. I ran the horse towards the end of the circle and knew I met my end. The two goblins struck me down. One face stayed, a goblin just laughing and laughing evilly.

This is an image of a similar face structure that was in my dream.


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Yes, yes, Its a play on an overused cliche but I think it works. Tabula Rasa is latin for blank slate and in writing this blog I hope to highlight just how little modern fairytales and folklore actually represent their original tellings, in essence, losing most of its meaning and context creating a blank tale or ... a Fabula Rasa

The LeaRNer?


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