The Fabula Rasa

Forget the nighttime tales of your youth. This... is Origin

So last night's dream was me essentially fighting an enemy but that enemy was able to control my movements. It was set in a landscape of rolling green hills with rocky gray outcrops and blue sky. Everyone seemed oblivious to it except me. The black dressed ghostly army leader didn't want to destroy our group at this time so he (yes, the entity felt male) encompassed out group in a black shroud while his army moved around us. It guided us to a location where he started interrogating us on our fears. It even sliced my fingertips to pry the information out of me.......

It led me later today to reflect on the dreams message and it hit me right at this moment. Pain. Pain is something I live with EVERY single day for as long as I can remember with it getting worse hitting puberty. It has influenced or outright controlled my life.  Unless you experienced it yourself, how do you describe the profound effect of constant pain? The feeling? The effect on your daily life? Sometimes .... it is a sharp pain, a deep ache, a mild discomfort with one of the worse a grinding kind of pain? Sometimes it is all of them at once... and every joint. Where even a mild injury can be a lifelong companion. I'm one of the lucky ones where at least I do not dislocate my joints but damn sure if it hasn't almost happened to me once or twice.

A perfect example where I have to be constantly vigilant is climbing the stairs. Actually pay attention to the mechanics the next time you climb the stairs. I actually climb the stairs at a slowish pace to make sure I'm using the correct muscles and alignment. Start with placing that foot on the step. Where is most of your weight? Is your knee at a 90 degree - with the knee not beyond your ankle? Start shifting your weight to climb the step. Did you lean forward or backwards? Is your knee past your ankle? Is your foot completely straight or angled off? All these little things make a difference in preventing injury. Yes, it may seem overzealous to the uninvited members of the EDS club but a simple slight change in body mechanics can mean pulling my knee or my hip with.

I've been feeling myself bottling my emotions especially rage. Rage for multiple reasons, one of which why do I have to live with pain every day so little to no relief? Having so many allergies and intolerances... I actually am outright allergic or so hypersensitive to opiods for pain management. I've had anaphylaxis with Vicodin, Valium, Toradol, Morphine, and Excedrin Tension Headache. Even Tramadol caused me to struggle breathing. I felt a weight on my chest (wasn't drowsy and fully awake to voice my concern) so off the med they took me and nebulizers asap given to me. Good days are mild aches that I can ignore going about my usual day. Bad days is when every part of my body aches especially with my hips and knees shrieking.

One of the things that piss me off Disability. It is pure ignorance on those in the deciding committee that EDS was not a qualifier. If those who made that decision were personally or had family affected by EDS, how many would suddenly change their minds? Would they actually be able to hand a week's worth of our pain? Of our daily body mechanic awareness?

A couple of website cite similar information about EDS and Disability:::
"Please note that while the listings for arthritic and connective tissue disease under Immune System (Listing 14.00) appear to be applicable to EDS, Social Security has clarified that they DO NOT apply to EDS because EDS is a genetic disorder, not an immune system disorder."

Well, all I can say is FUCK YOU.

PS: If I look tired that because I usually am. At the end of the day my knees and hips are usually really aching.

Why didn't I listen to my husband about watching Spawn? Cartoon killer sadist clowns.....oh the fun I had last night with those dreams.

Well, nothing like a cup for tea for a pep up except trying this new one smelled like pegao. It was a something imperial white tea that was grass looking. It was definitely not my favorite but bottoms up.

Bench Press 45lbs aka bar only
Incline Flyes 10lbs
Seated Dumbbell Press 12.5lbs
Dumbbell Side Laterals 5lbs
Triceps Extension 5lbs dumbbells
Bench Dips with bent knees
cable tricep pull with rope
Dumbell hold 45degrees double and single lifts to shoulder height
band elbow at waist to lateral side
band elbow at waist to stomach
Excalibur band pull
band clock pull apart horizontal and diagonal
arms straight overhead bounce back on wall
band reverse butterfly

All good fun for today!!

Post my knees are a little achy and my hips are tight. Goal is to do an obstacle goal by next year. It's taken me three years to get to my current shape. Have to work on my crap core strength.

Still dreaming every night but hoping kicking my own butt at the gym will decrease my stress to get these dreams under control.

Hit the gym today tired but determined to get the work in. Hoping lunch the sun shines so I can workout during that time. Weighed myself today and I'm 172. Yuck. I get I'm weight training so it's time to cut. The weights today on my maximum felt easier to do. I didn't need a break doing half sets on my max. This time I was able to do max weight straights. After three years with two year focus on serious lifting let's see my numbers.

Bent Over Two-Dumbbell Row: 60lbs

Underhand Pullups or Lat Pulldown: Assist machine set to 150lbs. Learning to activate my muscles and stop elbow tendon snapping.

Standing Barbell Curl: 10lbs break set

Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl: 7.5lbs

cable seated row: 40lbs

seated rows machine: 35lbs

Overhead press w/ & w/o squats: 10lbs

Planks: 15secs

Did other body weight exercises to tone up using TRX and resistance bands.

High incline treadmill with Sprint runs in flat ground. Exercise Bike to good music.

Now I'm off to class for 8hr brain pounding session. Hopefully I won't be traumatized from all the info same get some decent sleep.

PS: I have EDS hypermobile and don't let that stop me from accomplishing my goals. Just do it safe and know your limits. Joints don't feel the same day to day, even sometimes within a few hours.

Last night was a little rough. The dreams have started coming back. Guess my stressed levels are rising again. Started waking up before my alarm rings.

I'm trapped in a mountain edge/cliff of dense first. I can clearly see the roots of the trees and the moist earth of recent rain water. Shrubbery and leaves sporadically cover the ground making pathways unclear on how to safely descend. All I know is that to my right is a clear view through the trees of a sheer drop and open air with other mountains in the distant.

Somehow I'm inside a vehicle which I maneuver through the gaps of the trees, slowly working my way down to the edge in a zip zag pattern. The mountain side is too sheer to safely head straight down.

Once I reach the edge, clambering it off the vehicle, I  breath in the cross clean air and briefly admire the valley and mountains when I notice a ledge beneath that seems to have a flattened path. I roped a suitable rock and gently lowered myself to the protruding ledge.

Sighing, the dirt path curves to my left with a small patch of open grass leading to forest. In the boundary of that forest happens to be a black bear catching sight of me. It perks up, begins to canter than outright runs towards me. Having a gut feeling that catching me means death I hustle back towards the edge of the cliff, throw my pick axe with an attached rope and from a different perspective, I see my pickaxe scraping the dirt hoping to catch purchase. I never did get to see the end, only left with the feeling of fear more of the bear and secondary of the fall.

Hello Blogger!!

It has been a while since I have been here. So much has changed in my life. I have been asked by friends and family members to write about my experience with my illnesses and to share information to those that may stumble on here about these conditions. Truth be told, I'm not so much of a writer. I'm more of the doodle and read a good book type. How does one even start a blog? How do you make it look so fancy? Meh, I rather put that energy somewhere else for right now. I'll stick with simple text and tell you my story as time goes on.

I started my new job this week!! I'm an OR nurse now in eye surgery. I had to transfer from my love of orthopedics because I had arm surgery three months ago. Those trays and equipment are just too heavy for me to lift and manage right now. Regardless, arthritis pains love to hit me at random moments and at multiple joints which makes working there difficult with my moodwing changing mobility. The trays in eye surgery are so small to what I'm used to at my old place. The atmosphere is also the opposite - blasting barbeque hip-hop, country or old school rock music in the OR with boisterous surgeons to now dead silence and delicate movements. Good vibes so far from the place and everyone is nice.


When I was recovering from my hip, knees and arms during my three month hiatus from work I swore I was going to get back into the gym as I was doing before I lost my strength and mobility. Well, I have kept that promise to myself. Woke up at 4AM, hit the gym 5AM on Monday, May 14th (work starts at 7AM) and did a simple 10 min use of each machine - elevated treadmill, stepper and spinning bike and really stretched myself out. Oh, I have EDS - hypermobile version!! I'm super sensitive to joint pressure and body mechanics. I took my time stretching and put the foam roller to good use both the simple foam and bumpy one for deep tissue massage. My IT band hated me but loved me a little more afterwards.

I was grateful for my preparations I did the evening before the first day. Got my breakfast and lunch in tubbies ready to go with my gym bag set. Some melatonin helped me snuggle to sleep with an eye mask to make sure I get that 7 - 8 hr sleep. I swear the older I get the more sleep I need. In high school I could function on 4 hours of sleep. College went to 6 hours and now I'm around the 8 hour mark. If I don't get that sleep I feel run down for the rest of the day and working out would be dangerous as I may not pay close attention to my form.


Second day I felt okay to do some strength training so I started with my exercise sheet I was doing before my hiatus:

Warm up: 10 mins elevated treadmill and 10 mins spinning bike. Stretch.

* Set: 10-12 reps. I also go from lightest to heaviest weight on my sets. I kept getting frequently injured with my joints from going heaviest to lightest. I have responded better in my exercise doing my sets this way and using resistance band exercises.

Bent over two dumbbell row: 1 set 2 lbs, 2 sets 4lbs. That's a big hit with how much I used to lift about 20lbs.

Underhand Pullups: Two rep. My arms can't handle the weight yet. On the assist machine set on max I could have done two sets before the surgery. When I get the chance I want to use the cable crossover machine (not sure of the official name) to do the pulldowns as a substitutions. I could adjust the arms and tension while performing the same motion.

Standing barbell curl: 1 set 2lbs, 2 sets 4lbs. Used to do about 7.5 - 10 lbs. Some exercises required more forearm strength that what I had at the time. Hence the radian and median decompression and wrist scope surgeries. I'm sure I will be able to do original weight and more with time.

Dumbbell alternative bicep curl: 1 set 2lbs, 1 set 4 lbs. Arms were getting tired.

Cable seated row: 1 set 10lbs, 1 set 20lbs, 1 set 30 lbs. Pre surgery 50lbs. Not bad for initial go but still feel that knot in my scapula area between shoulder blades I need to rub out.

Twisties: I take a light bar behind my upper back, squeeze my core and just twist my upper body side to side. Did two set of 50 rep.

Wasn't able to do all the exercises I wanted for bicep and back because time ran out. I used to do 15 mins pre stretch/foam roll, 15 mins cardio warm up, an hour of strength training (take so long because I maintain slow controlled movements to protect my joints and minimize injuries), 15 mins foam roll/stretch, and 15 mins shower. I will have to practice and plan my time management to maximize my time here. Grabbed my gear and ran to work after the shower. Ate my homemade bread and a protein shake.


Pretty tired today so I stuck with my cardio circuit. 10 mins of each machine - treadmill, spinner and step machine. Thankfully I prepped everything the night before. Learning eye surgery is so different from the rough and tumble world of bones. I feel like a rock in the middle of the butterflies. Opened sterile sleeves, used to bigger tables and it smacked the wall. Usually bone equipment is heavy along with sterile supplies. Worse, the implant trays themselves can be moderate to super heavy. Having to frequently change the OR bed position and modify it builds certainly some arm strength. All those things are gone in the world of eye surgery. Feel like a new grad nurse all over again. Coming from 12 hours shifts to 10 hours and now to 8 hour shifts, I'm kinda loving leaving while there is still daylight. Though, the traffic at midday is horrendous going home. 


Red 5 lbs, gray 4 lbs, pink 2 lbs

All righty!! I feel pretty good today. I want to focus on chest, shoulders and tricep. Started with my usual 15 min cardio warmup and on to the workout!!

Bench press: 3 set bench bar only. Broke with up in intervals as the weight would get a little much after 5 reps. 

Incline flyes: 1 set 2lbs - frequently check my arm position (arms not above shoulders, not behind me, not straining my neck), 2 sets 4lbs. Since I haven't done these exercises in a while I use the mirror in front of me to check my arm height and look at the corner of my eyes to check my elbows. I maintain my arms extended with a slight bend at my elbows. Felt a stretch in my forearms and around my bicep areas but no pain so continued with the exercise. While performing the exercise, I felt my chest stretching and contracting as the muscle worked. 

Seated dumbbell overhead press: 1 set 2 lbs and 2 sets 4 lbs.  Used to do 10-12.5 lbs but I know things will improve with time. First set frequently checked my arms were not flaring behind me and maintaining a slight bend at the top of my extension. 

Dumbbell side laterals: 1 set 2 lbs and 2 sets 4 lbs. The last set was pretty rough as the weight felt heavier. First set I used to check for placement and paused at the top of each rep for about 2-3 seconds. 

Lying dumbbell tricep extension: I subbed this exercise with cable tricep pushdown with rope. I get that the former is a push exercise vs the latter a pull exercise. I'll keep thinking on what I can sub as the extension aggravates my tennis elbow at this time. I want to do the push in the beginning of my workout and the pull at the end. 

Modified dumbbell raise: 1 set 2 lbs and 1 set 4 lbs (single and double). I have a 2 lbs dumbbell in hand with thumbs facing towards ceiling. At a 45 degree angle in front of me I lift the dumbbell both at same for a single raise set to shoulder level. For double, I keep one arm raise and go up/down with the other while holding for 2-3 seconds at top position. I started doing this at therapy because I pulled the front of my rotator cuff. Initial weight was 1 lb. 

Resistance band yellow:

-Clock 2 - 8: 1 set. Start at chest level, pull and return together slowly while pausing for 2-3 at each rep. 

-Clock 10 - 4: 1 set. Arms getting tired and starting to shake around rep 7. Focusing on positioning and maintaining my form at all times. 

- Reverse fly: 2 sets. This exercise made me really feel my pectorals working. I believe this is what made me sore the next day

Overhead arms yoga ball bounce: with both my arms overhead and keeping them there, I bounce the yoga ball on the ball at 30 sec intervals since it's been a while for me. 
     -30 secs bounce, 30 sec rest x2
     -30 secs bounce, 15 sec rest x2
     -30 secs bounce, 30 sec rest x1
     -bounce until failure (My arms are getting super fatigued at this time while feeling the burn around my tricep and back)

Afterwards, stretch and foam roll all the kinks out. Have to hustle it to work and drink plenty of replacement fluids. I couldn't wait to eat my bread and Vega protein shake. 


Today is lower extremity day!! I will have to be careful as I went from jumper's knee to runner's knee. No clue how but pain is pain so still in rehab for my hips and knees. Bursitis also kicking my butt on my hips. I do suffer from chronic inflammation and started working on eating foods and supplements that help with that issue. Hopefully, it will start to work soon. 

Warm-up: 15 mins cardio and stretch afterwards.

Bar Squat: 3 sets. Just the bar with the first few reps slowly and getting lower after each rep to the lowest I can get at the moment. I can't do the "butt to grass" lowest position anymore with my hip arthritis and bursitis. The squat exercises at therapy have really been helping in my form and strength for me to do this again. It has taken extensive therapy to get my mobility back from my diagnosis of anterior bone spur and "mechanical malfunction" when flexing my hip. Walking normally and sitting used to be very painful but now a small discomfort. 

Step up with hip flexion: 2 sets with yellow band. Pause at top position with my knee bend and step down slowly (3 seconds) while always maintaining a flexed foot (the one with the band). When I do the right side I feel my hip starting to get irritated. I will speak with therapist again but he believes it is tendonitis from me compensating for my left side. 

Image result for step up hip flexor band
*Example picture found from google search. Not taken by me!! 

Resistance band (purple) squat with dumbbell: 3 sets with 25 lbs. I position myself until the band is really tugging at me. Squat down than pick up the 25 lbs and continue to hold it for the rest of the set.

Image result for resistance band squat waist
*Example picture found from google search. Not taken by me!! Trust me, I wish I looked like this and had a dog ='(

Straight leg lateral band walk: 3 set with each set of 12-14 steps green and 30 lbs resistance band (insanity green) around my ankles. 

Leg press: this one is a little weird from how people usually do the pyramid. I go from lightest to heaviest and make sure I sit correctly at all times. 1 set (20 reps) 30 lbs to warm up my knees and check foot placement. 2 sets (20 reps) of 60 lbs, 70 lbs, and 80 lbs. 2 sets (10 reps) 90 lbs, 100 lbs, 110 lbs and, feeling strong today, 120 lbs. Have to keep focusing on squeezing my booty and remember to not lock out my knees! Very dangerous and high risk of injury if you do that!

Lying hamstring curl: 2 sets 30 lbs. Funny enough my physical therapist was right that every machine is different. If I'm doing the sitting one at the office I can go up to 50 lbs! But, I listen to my body and it is telling me for now this way 30 lbs is my limit. 


Was so happy to sleep in today and just take today off. Unfortunately, I ate a whole bag of Unreal chocolate quinoa gems (allergy friendly M&Ms). I just found this recently and have been addicted. Reading on different health blogs like, men's health, reddit and the book advance sports nutrition, I am trying to get a better understanding of what I need to eat and when to do so. I get that diet is like 80% of the work to show your exercises and strength training/cardio to build your muscle. 


About two years ago I wanted to get someone to really focus my routine and eating habits so I paid a trainer I met at the gym. Saved up for what he wanted to charge and started to see him. Ten session for 1,000$. I said yikes! but I figured since he looks super brolic and trains other people at the gym he must know what he's doing. Well, I got no set routine from him and no nutrition guidelines. I have spoken to him about the service but since I paid him all upfront, I couldn't get a refund. I did eventually discontinued him halfway as he injured me during training. He told me he had an understanding of the physical requirements of EDS and arthritis - he increased the squat bar weight quickly and I didn't have a clear understanding of bar placement. The bar was about 120 lbs on my neck, turned to look at him talk and felt a pop. Instant pop and pain, dropped the weight and continue to have small discomfort on the right side of my neck. Also, several times I have told that doing the "butt to grass" feels like I lose all strength and can't lift the bar if I go that low. Well, he would just hold the bar to help me get it up and would do the last set to failure. I started not to feel good in my joints and body movements. 

Looking at resources and practicing on my own, I realized he has been incorrectly teaching me how to squat and perform other exercises. I also left with no understanding on how to create a routine for exercise and eating. It left me a little leery of trainers and questioning who I can trust that really understands EDS. A second trainer approached me claiming he knew how to train me, did two sessions and quickly found out he had no knowledge of EDS or arthritis limitations. Watching him train others, I knew I made the right decision especially when I pointed out to him a girl he was training at the time had her knees bowing outwards while she was biking for her warm up. "She told me that how she feels comfortable and bikes." Stating that and he refused to correct her positioning. Your knees should be straight and should have a light bend at the lowest position with your knees not going beyond your toes when bent at a 90 degree angle. Yup, so happy I quickly discontinued him. 

RNT Fitness is a website based training group that my husband pointed articles out. I was super tempted but looking at the price I said can't do it. I adored looking at people's transformation and bits of knowledge thrown in the article. I just wished I knew how I can incorporate that into myself. Over time I will learn and do my best to improve my diet and health. 

Safety First

*Always wearing my medical bracelet even when working out. I use a velcro medical ID bracelet that I wrap around my shirt when wearing my gloves. Also, when working on upper body, I use bras that criss cross at the back to get the pressure off my shoulders and allow me to move more freely. 

 Hello BlogSpot. It sure has been a while. The nightmares continue to occur and finally I cannot sleep anymore. Hubby suggested writing them out again to see if it helps with my sleep. Since last's night dream was so clear I decided to write it out the best I can. PS: None of the images are mine. They are showing to give you a better idea of my dream.

The dream started out with the my view facing out a ditch/cave. The scheme is in dark tones - creams/grays/blacks. All the colors are muted. There was a middle aged little man/dwarf (sandy blond hair cut short with cream skin and dirty) sitting on the right with has hands tied behind his back kneeling 2 feet from the entrance against the wall. On the left, inlaid in the wall, was a door to somewhere unknown. This door has a big star in the middle with small designs on the edge. Looking beyond the ditch/cave, there is a brown/dead grass hill. The sky very gray with a hint of blue.

The next scene shows a little woman/dwarf sitting slightly over the door with a "talisman," an exact copy of the door handing from her neck as a necklace. Her hands are tied behind her back. She is  middle aged with the same complexion has the little man. Her eyes were brown. Her dirty gray/blue ankle length dress was linen cloth with an old peasant style cut. She hears the man's steps has he walks over the hill. She is absoluetly frightened, stands on her feet and behinds to slam her shoulder into the door with no avail. Giving up, she runs out of the cave.

While running, she looks back at the man. Her eyes wide open with her wavy hair covering the bottom of her face. The man is cloaked in all shades of gray. The hood covering half his face. His hands have a cream complexion which she notices him playing with a serrated throwing disk. The man notices the little woman running and throws one of the disks towards her. It hits her right below her diaphragm and she skids to the side of my old private house. Kneeling down, her rapid thoughts were, "I'm still alive. Crap, I have to play dead....Dammit I cant slow down my breathing. If he picks me up, he is going to notice me hyperventilating. Okay, in and out, in and out,'s not working."

She runs to the to the front of the building, testing the door, she finds it locked. "No point in yelling." Running the the building next door, she rings the door bell and tests the front door. "It'" Going inside, she locks the front door, stairs are in front of her leading to apartment 2 and 3. She chooses walk down the little hallway on her right and enter the first floor apartment. As she was about to knock, she notices white door with a golden knob open....She opens the door slowly, and sees the kitchen and walls covered in blood. Taking a step inside, in the living room on her left she sees a regular sized woman with brown hair covered in blood, hung by a hang mans noose from the ceiling. "Oh my God, he got here already." She runs up to the second floor apartment, also covered in blood, runs to the back of the apartment (master bedroom on left and bedroom on right) jumps out from the bedroom window on the left. Jumping to the grown from the wall rail, she runs back into the woods in the opposite direction of where she came from.

The dreams changes into a regular sized woman with cream complexion and brown hair/eyes (maybe the one that was found hung) running from a man chasing her. The man is Caucasian with brown eyes/hair with height of 5 feet 10ish. She turns around to face the man. The man smiles and reaches back with the knife on his right hand, ready to stab her her dead. As he comes down the strike, she shoves at this right shoulder and sloppily slashes his neck with her left hand She slashes back and fort 4 times. Than, she runs...

Running, she sees a white projects building. The walls are simple, white squares with the crevices painted black. Going to the side, another man runs behind her. He gets near her fast enough to strike with his right hand. She is forced to hold his hand with both her hands never dropping the knife from her right hand. In a desperate effort she slashes his neck but the cut was too shallow. The man grins and as he gets ready to attack her, a man with an evil aura comes up behind him and starts cutting his neck from behind. The man has a very pale complexion with white straight hair. His eyes are brown/red. As he dissects the man's neck, he grins at me. Pure evil is in that grin. The body drops and he comes for me.

The pale man is dressed with a white cloak, shirt and shoes. Something out of Lord of the Rings type. The borders embroidered in gold patterns. His hood is down, and I notice his gold circlet on his head. He is tall, approximately six feet.  He has a curved blade on his left hand. The blade has a white hand and the blade is white metal. It is about 1.5 feet long and slightly curved. The inside of the curve is dull but the outside curve is deadly sharp.  He raises the blade and I quickly grab his neck with my right hand and squeeze as hard as I can. The pale man simply grins and begins to slide my wrist fast and shallow to torture me. In so much pain, I pull the knife into my left hand and slice his neck but all he does is keep cutting and grinning. I shove him and run away. He lets me go...he has left his mark on me.

Running around the building, I encountered another man in front of me. Tired I see the walls of the building are climbable. I start to climb and the man begins to follow me. Interesting, where are all the women? Exhausted, I heave over to the roof and stay on the floor. The man climbs onto the roof and spots me. Shakily climbing to my feet, bone weary, I mentally prepare myself for possible defeat. Thinking I was still shaking, I couldn't quite believe my luck as the building starts to tilt to my right. I ran to the left and that freaking man won't stop chasing me. Running down the side of the building, I somehow make it to the bottom with the man nowhere in sight. "Whew..." I noticed a group sitting on the ground in a circle. All were men and one woman. Sitting across from the woman, I was given a red book with gold lettering on the front and brown lettering on the pages. I was able to read the book, it seemed the book was about the history of a country in the form of a poem and Greek root words. Hearing the group, I was able to gather there were clans and each were at war with one another, all trying to "win."

Win what? What started this war? Who was that pale man? How are the clans able to identify one another? Question after question running running through my mind. None were answered as my hubby decided at that moment to wake me up.

A group of travelers were dumped into a vast forest. The travelers were a group of male and females. One male was Hispanic, black/brown hair, brown eyes, and tall. 

As we continued through the forest, we arrived to a grass plain with a single brown bark tree in the middle. Since the grass was like those found on a well cared for lawn, we started to travel across. 

We were several feet from the midway tree when several of the people ahead of me started to fall into the ground. I took one step and also fell through. The grass started to break. It had the same pattern as stepping on a weak ice lake that was cracking. Feeling the water up to my neck, speckles of dirt on my space and hair, I see we were stepping on floating grass (roll-out lawn grass floating). As the pieces began to part, I see an alligator eyeing me. It was a typical alligator coloring and look. Thankfully the water was thin, even if it was brown, allowing me to flee backwards. Eventually I was able to heave myself up on the solid piece of grass land. 

Walking on the grassy plain back, I was led to a grey slab rocky castle. the first floor contained 3 rooms. the 1 staircase led to the second floor. it contained 2 rooms. a walkway led to a tower. In this tower was a hidden room where a tablet on the floor has to be stepped on for it to open. When it opened, Indian styled jewerly and one statue appeared. As you continue past the hidden room, you see a hay stack, a barrel and cobbled stone floor. The windows were cut out outs of the rock, none contained glass.  Going back to the walkway, a chained up tiger suddenly appeared, guarding the walkway.

Sensing danger, i ended up in a square court yard which enclosed by the same type slab stone waist high. The same perfect lawn green grass was in the middle of the courtyard and around us. Facing the castle, I would be standing on the back left corner, the Hispanic man on the front left, and the rest of the people scattered on the right side. 

Being the leader, I gave orders for the scattered people to draw the dragon's attention. Didn't work because I had to duck as it swooped in and tried to blast me away with the fire spewing from its mouth. I yelled at the man, berating him for not shooting the water cannon (instead of cannon balls it shot water) at the dragon, instead he soaked me. Yelling at him to aim again, I raised my sword as the dragon swooped in and fired another attack at me. The water cannon missed again and I had to duck real low to avoid being hit. The dream ended with me looking at the water cannon in anger.
Reference Drawing:


Yes, yes, Its a play on an overused cliche but I think it works. Tabula Rasa is latin for blank slate and in writing this blog I hope to highlight just how little modern fairytales and folklore actually represent their original tellings, in essence, losing most of its meaning and context creating a blank tale or ... a Fabula Rasa

The LeaRNer?


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