The Fabula Rasa

Forget the nighttime tales of your youth. This... is Origin

Why didn't I listen to my husband about watching Spawn? Cartoon killer sadist clowns.....oh the fun I had last night with those dreams.

Well, nothing like a cup for tea for a pep up except trying this new one smelled like pegao. It was a something imperial white tea that was grass looking. It was definitely not my favorite but bottoms up.

Bench Press 45lbs aka bar only
Incline Flyes 10lbs
Seated Dumbbell Press 12.5lbs
Dumbbell Side Laterals 5lbs
Triceps Extension 5lbs dumbbells
Bench Dips with bent knees
cable tricep pull with rope
Dumbell hold 45degrees double and single lifts to shoulder height
band elbow at waist to lateral side
band elbow at waist to stomach
Excalibur band pull
band clock pull apart horizontal and diagonal
arms straight overhead bounce back on wall
band reverse butterfly

All good fun for today!!

Post my knees are a little achy and my hips are tight. Goal is to do an obstacle goal by next year. It's taken me three years to get to my current shape. Have to work on my crap core strength.


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Yes, yes, Its a play on an overused cliche but I think it works. Tabula Rasa is latin for blank slate and in writing this blog I hope to highlight just how little modern fairytales and folklore actually represent their original tellings, in essence, losing most of its meaning and context creating a blank tale or ... a Fabula Rasa

The LeaRNer?


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