The Fabula Rasa

Forget the nighttime tales of your youth. This... is Origin

Still dreaming every night but hoping kicking my own butt at the gym will decrease my stress to get these dreams under control.

Hit the gym today tired but determined to get the work in. Hoping lunch the sun shines so I can workout during that time. Weighed myself today and I'm 172. Yuck. I get I'm weight training so it's time to cut. The weights today on my maximum felt easier to do. I didn't need a break doing half sets on my max. This time I was able to do max weight straights. After three years with two year focus on serious lifting let's see my numbers.

Bent Over Two-Dumbbell Row: 60lbs

Underhand Pullups or Lat Pulldown: Assist machine set to 150lbs. Learning to activate my muscles and stop elbow tendon snapping.

Standing Barbell Curl: 10lbs break set

Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl: 7.5lbs

cable seated row: 40lbs

seated rows machine: 35lbs

Overhead press w/ & w/o squats: 10lbs

Planks: 15secs

Did other body weight exercises to tone up using TRX and resistance bands.

High incline treadmill with Sprint runs in flat ground. Exercise Bike to good music.

Now I'm off to class for 8hr brain pounding session. Hopefully I won't be traumatized from all the info same get some decent sleep.

PS: I have EDS hypermobile and don't let that stop me from accomplishing my goals. Just do it safe and know your limits. Joints don't feel the same day to day, even sometimes within a few hours.

Last night was a little rough. The dreams have started coming back. Guess my stressed levels are rising again. Started waking up before my alarm rings.

I'm trapped in a mountain edge/cliff of dense first. I can clearly see the roots of the trees and the moist earth of recent rain water. Shrubbery and leaves sporadically cover the ground making pathways unclear on how to safely descend. All I know is that to my right is a clear view through the trees of a sheer drop and open air with other mountains in the distant.

Somehow I'm inside a vehicle which I maneuver through the gaps of the trees, slowly working my way down to the edge in a zip zag pattern. The mountain side is too sheer to safely head straight down.

Once I reach the edge, clambering it off the vehicle, I  breath in the cross clean air and briefly admire the valley and mountains when I notice a ledge beneath that seems to have a flattened path. I roped a suitable rock and gently lowered myself to the protruding ledge.

Sighing, the dirt path curves to my left with a small patch of open grass leading to forest. In the boundary of that forest happens to be a black bear catching sight of me. It perks up, begins to canter than outright runs towards me. Having a gut feeling that catching me means death I hustle back towards the edge of the cliff, throw my pick axe with an attached rope and from a different perspective, I see my pickaxe scraping the dirt hoping to catch purchase. I never did get to see the end, only left with the feeling of fear more of the bear and secondary of the fall.


Yes, yes, Its a play on an overused cliche but I think it works. Tabula Rasa is latin for blank slate and in writing this blog I hope to highlight just how little modern fairytales and folklore actually represent their original tellings, in essence, losing most of its meaning and context creating a blank tale or ... a Fabula Rasa

The LeaRNer?


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